Innovation Beyond Space Design


 “Catching two birds with one stone”

Function vs Esthetic, Budget vs Design, Quality vs Quantity…

TRD’s goal is to achieve both without sacrificing the other when we face these common dilemmas.

TRD is a leading interior design consultancy firm with passionate talents which provides services including Interior Design, Graphic & Branding and Strategic Consulting. Our company’s depth of international experience and detailed industry knowledge enables TRD to identify interior design trends and predict new design innovations. TRD aims to add significant value by elevating and enhancing the brand experience of their clients. From project to project, each TRD interior project is the result of a unique and sensitive response to client vision.






We always have our eyes and ears open for new, quality talent here at TRD. Apply below to join our team doing exciting work and we will get back to you as soon as possible via email.




Please contact us if you'd like to collaborate on a project, schedule a meeting, or would like more information about our company.